Developmental Editing: More Querying and Story Development

In developmental editing, there is a whole other skill level required to help authors revise. It’s called the art of querying. Unlike copyediting where the editor corrects errors and is essentially a gatekeeper of grammar rules and preserving the English language, developmental editors rely more on asking the author questions, making suggestions for improvement, and helping to clarify intentions. This goes beyond “clarifying meaning” and into STORY DEVELOPMENT. Continue reading

Developmental Editing: How I Feel About Your Manuscript

I mentioned on The Writers’ Creative that developmental editors are supportive.

“The most important thing to remember is that, no matter how much work a developmental editor does on a manuscript, the writer makes the final decisions.”

As a writer myself (and one susceptible to low self-esteem), I honestly understand the anxiety writers feel when they send their manuscripts to anybody for a second opinion. The anxiety is much higher knowing it’s in an editor’s hands because editors are by nature, reading with critical eyes. Continue reading