A Side to Developmental Editing Writers May Not Know: Thinking About Your Story Subconsciously

I submerge myself in authors’ stories. And while I’m in those stories, I’m thinking about them a lot—whether I’m directly editing them or doing something else. Those stories are still moving around in my mind. It’s unlike any normal reading experience. Continue reading

An Easy Way to Organize Your Scenes Without Scrolling Back and Forth in Your Manuscript

There’s nothing more overwhelming than sitting down to a messy draft and preparing yourself for revision. You know there are problems, you may even know what to fix, but then all that text seems like a storm of activity ready to confuse and drown you. Are you ready for an easy way to organize your scenes? Continue reading

Developmental Editing: How Does it Work? Are There Rules?

Developmental editing may be a job without grammar rules, but that doesn’t mean we as editors forge ahead with our own agenda. This line of work requires principles. Three main ones… The desire of the writer, the integrity of the work, and the expectations of the audience. Continue reading