A Writer’s (and Editor’s) Tool: A Subconscious Mind

By Stacy Melanie Jerger (@ApoideaEdits)

I want to take a break from my WANACon blog series and talk about some amazing things that happen when we’re neck-deep in writing and revision.

Stephen King had it right when he referred to “the boys in the basement” as a mode of creative process. The “boys” are the muse, the background noise of our consciousness, and a place where our imagination simmers.

Because of these “boys,” writing and developmental editing don’t always happen on a conscious level.

In preparation for NaNoWriMo, also known as NaNoPrep, I outlined a story structure, but left room for the unconscious to do what it does best: creative spontaneity and unplanned brilliance.

It’s one of the most satisfying discoveries as a writer.

Photo courtesy of jjpacres

Photo courtesy of jjpacres

The Gut Wants What the Gut Wants

NaNoWriMo and fast drafting, if you’ve never done them before, probably sound like madness. And in some ways they are. (Sometimes awesomeness is born from madness, right?) What I like most about this level of intense writing is how close I stay to the content.

When I’m writing, my story is at my focal awareness. When I’m not writing, the subconscious is working things out. Don’t ignore that flutter in the periphery of your mind. Give it some attention. The moments of impulse and raw creativity will leap onto the page—and that’s a flavor we can’t always get when things are carefully planned.

Do Not Disturb: Mad Scientist at Work

Sometimes writing is like a study of cause and effect. We have a theory (idea) and we’re not afraid to prove its existence through words. But obstacles arise, struggles are fought. We pull at our hair and get the crazy eyes, lose hope and climb hills and hills of frustration as we try to write our way out of a problem.

And it’s then there’s that astonishingly beautiful moment at 2:00 AM when we figure it out. Thank you, subconscious! Suddenly everything becomes clear and the world is right. When moments like that happen, it’s not crazy to think we’re on the right path to brilliance as our unconscious and conscious minds high five.

Creativity, Are You Out There?

That said, I love a good plan that gives us direction and inspires creativity. I can internalize my experiences, habits, and skills in my writing as well as my developmental editing.

I come up with a working plan that keeps the author and me on track. But like a story outline, it’s okay to stray from the plan a little. After all, developmental editing can be a highly creative process as much as it can be a process of logical content organization.

My systematic side can play the well-mannered gentleman and let creativity in. Solutions and ideas come to me right away as I’m reading an author’s manuscript. But when I don’t have an immediate solution in mind, I sleep on it—and that’s when possibilities form subconsciously.

I can’t wait to share those possibilities with the author and discuss which direction he or she wants to go, and usually that leads to even more ideas and solutions!

The point is: plan as much as you can, but don’t underestimate the power of the subconscious mind. Do you sense that background noise? Your subconscious is working hard for you.

Have you had similar experiences? I’d love to hear about them!


If you’d like help improving your manuscript, check out my editing and critiquing services, or email me about your project.

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7 thoughts on “A Writer’s (and Editor’s) Tool: A Subconscious Mind

  1. I’m in total agreement… I have read up on the power of the subconscious for years, and it’s been a powerful boon in every aspect of my life. I use the “Subconscious Programming” techniques that many are now discussing.
    Regarding writing, I use techniques that have proven fruitful as well. EG: Asking yourself plot and character questions over and over again, but without the pressure of forcing yourself to answer. If we ask these questions and just let our minds ruminate (for hours/days), then quality answers begin to emerge.
    I do not know how much of this I picked up from the novel “Thinking Write” (because it’s been a few years since I found it), but she shares these methods for us.

    • Hi Daniel!

      I agree! Quality answers are the result of deep thinking. I, too, need my ideas to marinate for a while to develop into possibilities that get me excited to write.

      I will check out “Thinking Write.” Thanks for your thoughts! 🙂

  2. Plotting. Ugh. It’s my least favorite part of writing. I like when the characters just sort of free-flow onto the page. But that only gets me to about 1/3 of a novel. If I think hard and plot my pants off, I can get to 2/3 (after rewriting much of the first third). Then, for some reason, the end usually eludes me until its good and ready.

    Partly this is because I like to tie up ALL loose ends. I don’t like dangly ends. Another part is I think the subconscious thing. In order to be satisfying, the ending has to come from someplace more magical than me forcing my brain to come up with a solution to a problem. Letting the subconscious have a go at the ending makes it more magical, more interesting, and more unexpected…I think.

    • Hey Jessi!

      I love seeing into this window of your writing process. I’ve stumbled into the same issues. Last year’s NaNo, oy. I pantsed it to 1/3 and hit the dreaded wall.

      I agree about endings… We know that particular part is full of pressure–leaving readers satisfied and surprising them at the same time. It has to PERFECT! Such a tall order. 😉 When we relax our minds, the subconscious starts making connections and before we know it, the ending kind of slowly comes together in a magical way.

      Love your thoughts about this. Thanks!

  3. I think my subconscious does most of the work. I had no idea where my NaNo novel was headed. Then on November 11th, my muse showed up with a boatload of material and my story went from threadbare to serious tapestry. My workers live in a cave guarded by my dragon-muse. As long as I show up regularly, the cave opens and I get to use all the treasures inside.

    • Hey Kit!
      You were a NaNo trooper and very inspiring! I love what you have to say on this subject. It’s amazing what the muse can spin under pressure and deadlines.

      I’ve had some eye-opening discoveries this NaNo year with regard to my personal writing process. I know I should spend less time perfecting my outlines and more time just writing (and trusting my subconscious).

      Haha, love your cave analogy! 🙂

  4. Pingback: A Side to Developmental Editing Writers May Not Know: Thinking About Your Story Subconsciously | Apoidea Editorial

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